Saturday, September 3, 2011


Jonathan continues to show progress in imagination games and creative solutions. His love of snowstorms is only increased by the success of the flour generated storm, so much that he decided to also have a storm during a drive to his grandma – in the car – the solution-handkerchiefs.

We were driving to my parents' house, about an hour drive and I gave Jonathan a tissue to blow his nose (he does that alone very successfully, as well as wiping his behind after the toilet) and after he was done, he tore it up to little pieces and started throwing them about – creating a snow storm. We stopped to relieve ourselves and I used the opportunity to clean the car. Now Jonathan had no more pieces for his storm – so he pretended to sneeze; the clever little tyke, the idea being that I once more give him more tissues.

It did not work, but it became clear to me that he needed entertainment. So we spend the rest of the ride paying with riddles and imagination and guessing games. What animal is brown and roars (a bear), what color does a water melon have (red) and we also sang his favourite songs.
It is becoming possible to keep Jonathan busy without toys or play things, but it is hard work, I must admit. After the drive was over, I was drained out.

At my parents' Jonathan continued to show creative ideas, he cut a paper into strips and declared that he has made a piano, and I was invited to play along with him. He also helped his grandma baking but this time I did not allow him to create a flour snow storm and thus the mess was somewhat reduced.

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