Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter blues: Jonathan's great moment summary of the last two months or so

I did not have a computer, so some events have accumulated. It become recently cold and rainy here (winter for real for a change), so going to a friend to write has also not been an option. Jonathan is as cute as ever, is creating headlines for me on a continual basis – so here is a short summary.

His conversation and words improving every day. He now, more or less, repeats everything he hears and is always asking “ma ze?” , what's this? In order to find out new words.

Jonathan actually took a dump in the toilet for real! He did this twice this week. Following these events he was unwilling to wear a diaper and I let him run around without one, as he was home sick anyway. The result is that he wet his pants – although I asked him repeatedly if he needed to go to the loo. Funnily he seams to be getting it backwards – he wets his pants but does “bigger things” in the toilet. All the books say it usually goes the other way around.

Although we are not really trying to get off the diapers yet, because its winter here and this is a more summer sort of thing (roll the carpets and let him run with no clothes on, and no diapers either - learning to control one's needs with only the floors getting messy from time to time), Jonathan is expressing a growing interest in the toilet and a lessening willingness to wear diapers. We hope to try and get him off the diapers in Passover, when he has a week at home during the holiday. |It is then considerably warmer too.

Jonathan has understood from an early age that if he is not tall enough, he can get a chair, climb on it and reach his target. Now the shelves have also become a legitimate device for the same purpose. This is how he surprisingly reached the DVD player earlier this week at last. I turned my back for just a minute and whoops, he changed the CD in it alone! I have been keeping the DVD player high up as part of the mechanism to control the time Jonathan spends watching his DVD disks. But as his climbing has taken on a new turn and he has successfully changed DVD's at my mothers without breaking the player, I decided to bring it down again and keep controlling Jonathan's DVD intake by only putting up his CD's when we are done watching them for the day.

The first result of this policy was that he enjoys it very much and changes the CD's more often. The second result was that he reached to his fathers DVD collection, as he could not reach own – and broke one of the films. We are now reminding him that he is not permitted to touch the CD's in the shelves – just the one's in his box – which still remains high up....

Jonathan has been sick for a few days at home, and DVD played a major role in his entertainment, as it was cold outside. This morning he was to go to Kindergarten again – he refused. Even my leaving the house did not work! He has in fact recently been more willing to let me go out of the house and even says “buy bye” nicely if I Go out. This morning, I left indeed and my husband took him to kindergarten later, after he got his “DVD morning fix”. Even so, I think Jonathan likes his kindergarten and after today, he will remember again how nice it is and tomorrow morning it will be easier to get him out of the house.

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