Friday, October 9, 2009

Starting All Over Again

My sister had a baby – her daughter is just soooo small and dainty! I feel like I am starting all over again. I dug up all the baby clothes an toys from our high closet, took out the baby bath and baby sense, stroller, car seat, bottles and pacifiers etc. My sister's baby came early and they had nothing prepared – so it was up to me mostly to provide all the equipment. Luckily I still have everything on hand.

Then there was also remembering things again, as my sister called to ask questions and to get tips. It's her first child...Its amazing how easy it all seems, the baby just eats and sleeps. No need to chase and run after it... I remember that when Jonathan was born, his total dependence on me was so shocking for me that it became an extra weight. My sister seems to be more relaxed and is basking in her new motherhood status. All this makes me think that a second child is not going to be such a great shock as Jonathan was. I guess the shock is what compelled me to start this its just fun to document whatever is going on and what new things Jonathan does as he grows bigger and stronger every day.

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