Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thinking Baby II

Even when in the bathtub, Wet through and through, Jonathan presents his new thinking abilities...

When he was really little, Jonathan did not like the water at all. It was clear that the baby just did not enjoy his bath (maybe because it was cold winter then) , and so it became a short routine for us. As he grew bigger, and combined with the fact that it was the warm summer months, I decided to give the bath tub a second chance, and Jonathan seemed to agree. In the large tub (he already our grew the baby tub ) he seemed to like the water, splashing around and watching different items such as shampoo bottles and soap float with fascination and growing interest, trying sometimes to catch them too...

I guess the only part he does not like is being washed! Our bathing ceremony includes his nails cleaned with a brush, his two cute teeth being brushed with a special baby toothbrush (no harm in getting him used to the concept early, even if it is not really efficient) and getting his head and private parts soaped and washed! He protests against any form of brush and tolerates water flowing over his head only for a short while, otherwise trying to flee the flow by standing up and moving about, signaling also that he has had enough by lifting his arm to say that he wants to leave the bath. So I get the washing part done quickly at the end of the bath, after he has had the opportunity to play for a while with a dry head (to avoid his catching cold).

And so, sitting in the warm water with several brushes serving as bath time toys, the boy just loves it!
Already when I fill the tub he is thrilled to stand near it, trying to catch the flowing water. Happily looking forward to being put inside and showing his glee in a wide smile, even a cute laugh.

Recently he added two more skills to our bath time arsenal:
1 – Jonathan tries to hold flowing water, I fill a cup and pour the liquid and the boy tries to catch it, grabbing into the flow and being only too disappointed when it all flows through his fingers. Yet not such as Jonathan will simply give up! And so he tries again when I again pour the water.
2 – he followed the water as I empty the tub, once again trying to catch it and stop it from going down the drain. It is fascinating to see how he can follow the motion of the transparent fluid and clearly tries to intercept it on tis way down the drain...

Today he added a new display that truly shows he is indeed a thinking baby. For some time Jonathan has watched me empty the tub, and he knows only to well what the cork looks like. Today, instead of chasing the running water down the drain, he simply picked the cork and tried to close the hole! He could not get it quite right, but I am sure he will soon. Thinking baby or what?!

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