Thursday, July 24, 2008

July 24th, 2008 – Some of Jonathan's latest achievements

He is getting stronger, showing first inclination of taking a step (or two forward) and he has teeth he can use to chew and hand to hold on to his first finger foods! As always he is also as cute and as good natured as can be! I am a blessed mom!

Jonathan standing is getting stronger an he does not wriggle his back as much when standing and holding onto his bed, or pen. He an “cruise” near a table, holding onto it and moving a few steps to the left or right, to reach something interesting he can then just throw off the table! Tossing a plastic box that holds “wet ones” and diapers which in located for mommy's convenience in the living room, on the living room table is his favorite pass-time in the last two weeks.

He I also learning the art of chewing! Yes, yes! Mommy has over come her fear of the absolute mess this action leaves behind it and has given Jonathan a biscuit! Naturally a baby's biscuit, that melts nicely in the mouth and that has ow sugar content, but still he can chew on it! He is also getting better with his fingers! Holding the biscuit nicely between his finger and thumb and bringing it directly targeted into his mouth.
Today he even scratched the biscuit with the two teeth that have emerged in the last three weeks or so. Really cute!

Spoon eating is now routine and has become really easy. He just swallows it all up! I just shovel it to him and the meal is over in less than ten minutes! His favorite foods are if course the home made mixtures mommy cooks diligently each Saturday and then freezes for future use, and a simple porridge.
You gotta hand it to him, he likes keeping is simple!

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