Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jonathans Latest Achievments - June 20th, 2008

The boy is almost sting down and almost standing up! Amazing!! Because he is only 6.5 months old!

Sitting: He pushes himself back from a crawling position to a sitting one, but he is not quite there yet because he is still leaning on one hand and has not yet found the strength to let go and sit up right!

Standing: In Germany he first tried to pull himself up using the stroller, and then he has been constantly practicing on the plastic basin that usually stores his toys in the living room – standing with straight legs and leaning forward onto the basin that is turned up side down and serves like a small plateau. He does the same leaning on mommy who is lying on the carpet to serve as a large object for Jonathan to climb onto. After two days of such practice you pulled yourself up in bed! Using the bar for support! UNBELIEVABLE! (Grandma Nurit always said you would stand before you would sit…seems like she is going to be correct!)

Mobility: When you first "stood" like that, leaning on the red basin, mommy ran to get the camera, but by the time she came back you were already on the basin, crawling and on your way to crawl off it…head first! Today you just crawled into the basin, trying to reach for you r toys and then cried bitterly, calling for help, when you could not get out! Mom and dad had a good laugh! You are becoming more agile everyday! Soon it will really be impossible to leave you alone even for a second!

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