Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jonathan is acquiring new skills daily – June 2008

He is getting more and more certain on his knees and it is clear he will soon be crawling freely. He already goes a few steps and then decides that crawling on his belly is simply faster. Did I already mention this is an achieving baby? With targets before his eyes?

He turns around on his belly, freely following the person that has just grabbed his attention combined with the spontaneous decision to drive the baby nuts or dizzy…whichever comes first… and then, he has spotted something new and he is on his way – deliberately crawling on his belly at top speed!

He wobbles on his knees, clearly practicing movements that will leas to sitting up and standing eventually. When I hold him under his armpits his legs are strong enough and he is practically standing – it is his back that is not yet ready to support him.

He is already grabbing thin things between his fingers and is also twisting his wrist – the fine motoric abilities are developing fast, closely following his mobility ability (a rhyme?).

He already tried to use the stroller as support for standing efforts, but his aunt will do just as well…

He expresses himself more clearly everyday – showing clear impatience whenever he is tied up (to eat, the stroller, in the car seat…) and complains bitterly (wailing, not crying) when I remove his bottle to quickly and squirms passionately when he has had enough of eating out of a spoon.

His solid eating is also advancing. He has learned the principle of accepting food from a spoon and although he still spits when "chewing" he swallows the most of it and the process of a solid dinner is no longer a long one – as long as he is not too hungry (then only the bottle works).

Today I was putting him to sleep with a song and just as he seemed asleep and I stopped he turned his head, as if clearly asking for some more…so cute!

Next week, all about flying with a baby and being alone with mommy at home (daddy is still abroad).

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