Friday, March 14, 2008

March 7, 2008 – you turned from Your stomach to Your Back

A proud mothers moment!

March 7, 2008 – 14 weeks old and a day

You turned from your stomach to your back for the first time.

Ever since you got your first cold when you were one month old you hate lying on your belly.

At 3 months of age, following the development specialist orders, mom has started insisting you spend more time on your belly and you protest loudly every time.

On March 7th, after returning from kindergarten and eating lunch and sleeping, mom left you on your belly and went to the kitchen to clean your bottles. The complaints were not as loud as usual and mommy started suspecting that things were not as they seem… when she returned to your pen, you were lying on your back and not on your stomach, talking away and telling everybody in cute baby sounds what you had just achieved.

Mom was sorry to have missed this great moment of yours, so she turned you around again in the hope that you will repeat it…no such luck! You are strong and move about and raise your bum real high, and arch your back and almost turn sideways, but you did not manage the turning again that afternoon. (You did spin around like a compass though…)

Even when lying on your back you arch your body and almost turn sideways – well, mommy always knew you were a strong and active baby.

On March 9, you did it again. This time daddy laid you on your belly and when his back was turned to you, you turned around. Daddy called mommy and together they put you on your belly again to witness the great event – again, no go.

On March 10 you turned around twice in front of mommy and on March 11 daddy and your kindergarten care taker saw it too.

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