Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bath time & WC

Jonathan loves water, so bath time is usually fun time. He is always learning and becoming more independent during his bath, and in general. He knows what he wants and strives to get it, instructing mommy in the process as to what she must!

Jonathan has the unfortunate habit of coming in to the toilet when I am in there. It all started because the baby books said I should allow him to come in so he will see the concept of toilet from an early age, and so he will understand that there is another option except diapers, making the transaction from diapers to the toilet an easy one, when the time comes. Well the time has not yet come, and he likes to watch me in the toilet, because he just likes to be near me all the time (stuck to my aaa... literally). I have already begun to tell him he must leave the toilet when I am there, and sometimes he goes. Other times he shows me that my time is up! And I should come with him! He does this by coming to me and pulling up my pants and trousers and taking away a magazine I am reading (if I have brought one with me...) and to top it all, he starts pulling me to get up and leave the toilet! In the mornings he brings me my glasses as a sign that now that I am able to see better, I should get up and come with him!

Signaling that I need to come along, get up, sit down and lie down are all a matter of course to Jonathan by now. He communicates very well with his hands and body and has little need for words, and yet I understand perfectly what he wants. Pushing and pulling he shows me where I should locate myself. He can also show resistance and lack of satisfaction, and this comes very often when we must stop watching a DVD. The only time he will not come to the bath is if he is watching a DVD. Once in the bath he enjoys the water and soon forgets he ever refused to come. He likes to put all the shampoo and soap bottles in the tub and sit on them and between them, arranging them like boats. He enjoys the splashes he gets when he throws the bottles into the tub! He also has learned to soap himself. He extracts the liquid from the soap bottle (his favorite is a Johnson's & Johnson's tearless shampoo) and then soaps his belly and sometimes also his head. He also uses the brush to clean his feet (as I have done for him since his first bath) and also brushes his teeth alone (no toothpaste yet...) In the mornings if he sees me brush my teeth, I offer him his tooth brush and he brushes his teeth too. Now I am trying to teach him to stay in the bathroom during this morning brushing process.

Jonathan likes to sing! He is very musical and is getting close to the notes and repeating sounds and parts of words as he goes along! This is not new, what is new is is improving ability to truly sing words. Until now he also sang basically with the DVD tapes, but recently he has taken to join my singing, especially in the bathtub, when I sing the “i am so clean and so cute” song, that I learned from one of the tapes. The song is about washing hands with soap and water and becoming oh so clean and oh so cute...very suitable for bath time. He joins me to sing it even out of the bath, and his father likes to request that we perform the song together... It never fails to amaze me how exact he is in his singing, and that he always gets better.

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