Friday, March 6, 2009

Learning by Watching Mommy Doing

Its been a while since I last wrote and Jonathan is making some progress. He now not only imitates what he has seen many times, but also what he hears (or what he thinks he hears) and sometimes even makes the quantum leap of imitating immediately something he has seen for the first time.

I may have already mentioned some of the below new accomplishments of Jonathan's, but hey, a proud mom is supposed to repeat the achievements of her off spring, no? After all, even if Jonathan isn't there, I am usually thinking about him... I sometimes wonder if this is not going a bit too far, but I have become a mother heart and sole!

When I blow his nose he has taken to making a noise with his mouth (blowing between closed lips) thus imitating the noise of nose blowing. It is obvious that he is trying to help. What is not clear is if he is really imitating a noise he has heard many times in connection with nose blowing, or he is trying to prevent the paper tissue of entering his mouth (this has happened before and made him spit the paper out). A further step in the nose blowing saga however occurred this morning, when he took the handkerchief from my hand, held it to his nose and blew with his mouth. Then he returned the paper to me.

Another clever reaction related to his nose is that he blows air out of his nostrils whenever he sees the nose pump near his nose. The nose pump is a simple contraption meant to help a mother pump out extra slime out of the baby's nose, its really just a rubber container that one presses to remove the air, then put the edge in the baby's nose and let go, the container fills with air and pulls the slime out o f the nose. Now that Jonathan blows air through his nostrils when he sees the pump, I rarely have to actually pump.

Progress also in the field of language – whenever he gives someone anything he always says “ta”. I am not sure what the origin of this sound is. It could be the end of the word “TODA” which means thank you in Hebrew and is that natural reaction Jonathan gets whenever he gives someone something, or is it the German “DA” which means “there” when we give him something.
He likes to sit on a small stool that we have at home or wonders to the kitchen in the kindergarten and sits nicely at a small table there and then waits, saying “mam mam” hoping to get some fruit, He also stays and eats sitting on the stool, until he is no longer hungry ad thus he looses interest, or just starts playing with his food.

One can understand why he comes to the table for food, the care takers at the day care center always have their breakfast at the small table in the kitchen, his stool at home is also in the kitchen – the source of food. Today he made the quantum leap of imitating something h saw me do only once. I was drinking a yogurt from a bottle that is comes in and then Jonathan just took the bottle and drank the last drops, just like second nature. I know drinking something dairy from a bottle is no news for Jonathan, but the package was different and it was nice to see him just follow my actions and also be rewarded not only by my encouraging words but also but the sweet drink itself.

More progress in the field of food, Jonathan now feeds me when he is close o ending his meal. He opens his mouth, hands me the food and says “ham” and then shoves it into my mouth, pretty much like I used to do when he was smaller.

He also likes to open my Labello and then lick it, trying to imitate the way I put on the lip balsam. Then he delights in closing the tube. Actually this is a nice piece of delicate mechanic abilities Johnathan is showing. Sometimes, when he does not get the tube closed or he tries to push a lid to close a box but missing its right place, he pushes it further, trying to use more force and then, so cute, he also seams to push his voice, holding his breath and crying out, in the attempt to prompt himself to more force. His voice is also the expression of his frustration at the lack of success to complete the task.

Lately he showed me once more how a computer and television is second nature to him. It has been a while since he started pointing the remote control towards the TV and sometimes even changing channels successfully, but just last week he simply took the computer mouse in his hand, holding it correctly with the first try and clicking on it naturally. This week, this new skill has developed further, he has understood that the mouse controls the computer and he can change the pictures on the screen with it, so he just stands on the floor near the computer table and reaches for the mouse. No need to ask mommy to sit on her lap to get to the computer and its delightfully changing screen. Definitely a newer more sophisticated generation...

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