Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Major achievements as your first year comes to a close (more great moments):

November 17th at 17:45 Jonathan really walked for the first time!
Your first 3 steps!

Towards your 1st birthday (don't remember the exact date) you started cooperating to a certain song by putting your hands on your head and clapping (corresponding to the words – clap clap your hands,we will drive to Jerusalem, one two three, hands on your head – it rhymes in Hebrew...) You even ask for the song by repeating its movements in advance.

Clapping your hands is a request that mommy sing something!

You have learned that mommy claps to music, so you play some music on your boom box and then turn clapping towards mommy to make sure she is clapping along with you.

Generally you are more and more frustrated as it becomes obvious that your head works faster than you body, and you can't always get what you want. This also unfortunately means that you whine (your complaint) more often...

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