Sunday, September 7, 2008

Inhalation – its takes two grownups to hold a crying baby

When an infant does not cooperate, it invests all its strength in fighting! Babies are a lot stronger than we think. We had to give Jonathan inhalation treatments in the last two weeks, and he hated it! I guess I can understand him, th machine makes a strange buzzing noise and for some reason mommy insists on putting a rubber mask on his face... he fought like a tiger! It took both me and my husband to hold him and this when he was already tied into the chair we use when we take him in the car with us. So chair belts and two adults and still he managed on occasion to kick off the mask or kick the air hose out...fighting and crying non stop until it's over.

For us as parents, these moments are dreadful! Jonathan's objection is so strong that we feel guilty in forcing him to go through this process. We know it is fr his own good! To get rid of a cough that has plagues him for more than a month, but still his cries of protest reach our hearts and breaks them... thank god the inhalation is only a few minutes and then he gets a bottle of tea or milk and he calms down. Thank god babies have short memories, a minute later and the boy is all sunny – fun and games! And all is forgotten, and us parents can forgive ourselves.

In just three days of inhalation we cleared a cough, then we took 3 days rest and treated him a gain for a blocked nose. Now his nose is running but he is also coughing again... so I am not sure how to continue. In any case it is obvious that inhalation has an effect. I hope we can get rid of the cough soon, because I do not look forward to another round of inhalation and hard felt cries... still this is better than having him hospitalized with influenza... so lets keep our fingers crossed.

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