Tuesday, December 22, 2015

נכד של מהנדס An Engineer's Grandson

 בדומה למערכון של יוסי בנאי ורבקה מיכאלי, יונתן  הוכיח היום שהוא נכד של מהנדס.

יונתן רוצה להכין מתנה לחג המולד לאבא שלו. יונתן יודע שאבא מתגעגע לגרמניה אז החליט לתת לו תמונה עם כל בני המשפחה המורחבת. אז הלכנו לקנו מסגרת ואז יונתן הגיע מיוזמתו עם תכנון כללי של איזה בני משפחה יופיעו באיזה חלק של המסגרת, כי היא בעצם כוללת בתוכה כמה תמונות.
לפי המפרט הזה, בחרנו תמונות ואז יונתן גם סימן בשרטוט שלו איזה תמונה בחרנו.
עכשיו רק נותר להדפיס התמונות ולשם אותן במסגרת לפי ההוראות שהמהנדס הצעיר בן ה- 8 הכין.
  - תמונה של ביצוע בקרוב... בנתיים תסתפקו במפרט והמסגרת, כפי שנרכשה בחנות עם תמונות של דוגמנים בים...
חייבת להדגיש של נושא המפרט בא מיוזמתו של יונתן ולא בהנחייה שלי. הייתי  מוקסמת, בכל זאת משהו מכל ההטפות שלי לשיטת עבודה נכנס לו לראש... יש!

Jonathan proved today that he is indeed an engineer's grandson.
Jonathan wanted to give his father a Christmas present. Knowing that daddy misses his hope in Germany, Jonathan decided to give my husband a framed picture of the extended family. For this purpose we went together to purchase a frame and found one that has space for more than one picture. 

Then Jonathan came with a plan drawn on paper, which family member should be presented in each slot. the drawing was a surprisingly good layout plan. With it we proceeded to select images for printing, with Jonathan ticking off each slot as a suitable image was selected.

Now all that remain sis to get the picture printed and to put it all together. The pics here depict the frame (as purchase with pics of models on the beach) and the Jonathan's technical drawing.


The Frame

Jonathan's Technical Drawing

And husband dear, if you read this before Christmas, please act surprised when you receive the gift...
Happy holidays

PS: Like father , like son. Jonathan has already prepared a list of tasks, so that every family member know their role for Christmas day.
Mommy to prepare food and light up the tree (drawing of colored light chain and the word "food" in Hebrew written next to it - the lazy bugger did not want to try to draw the food...), Jasmin is Santa's little helper with a green cap, Jonathan is Santa with the red cap, He also get to look after the tree, and daddy needs to prepare presents and play music.

יונתן מקצה משימות לקראת ארוחת החג. לכל בן משפחה תפקיד. הפתקים כבר מוכנים.
כמו אבא שלו, יותנן הוא איש של רשימות...
אמא תכין אוכל ותאיר את העץ באורות צבעוניים, אבא יכין מתנות וינגן מוזיקה, יסמין היא העוזר של סנטה קלאוס (כובע ירוק) ויונתן גם מקשט את העץ וגם בתפקיד סנטה עם הכובע האדום.
ההוראות נמסרו, הכל מוכן לחג הקרב ובא...
חג שמח

Friday, July 17, 2015

Pearls of Wisdom

I usually collect pearls of childish wisdom in my email and then on occasion I curate them into one post. Here are some of Jonathan's pearls in the last half year.

Israeli schools have devised a program to help classmates get to know each other. The idea is that each child in turn invites 5 other children arbitrarily assigned by the home teacher to an afternoon at  home and gets invited to theirs. Its called a hosting party. Jonathan being in the first year of school took part in this program.We were in fact one of the first families to conduct a hosting party. After that we prepared a Powerpoint with pictures from the event to show in class and Jonathan was requested to present it. About 4 month later Jonathan asked me when he is to be invited next to a hosting party. when I asked why he wanted to know he clarifies that he wants his picture to be included in a presentation. The children of the digital world...

Jonathan has an habit of mimicking lips motion when he is bored. The idea is to try to move his lips imitating the person speaking to him, sometimes he even tries to say the words. This can be quite annoying at times, but I must confess I find it amazing ho fast he reacts and how close he is to saying to me that which I am saying to him.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

How to Neutralize a Bored (ADHD?) Boy? The Schoolteachers Dilemma and creative Solution

Jonathan is almost graduating his first year of school. I went better than we thought considering his ever present ADHD symptoms (although we do not have an official diagnosis). All in all he is up to his class level in his studies. He reads tolerably well in Hebrew, recognizes a few letters in the English alphabet and he can compute up to 100. We are still struggling with getting to school on time in the mornings (as both my husband and I are NOT morning people, the understatement of the century..., I sometimes wonder who's fault this really is) and when Jonathan is bored or unsatisfied he may break out into a mood and lash at his teacher. This effect can be enhanced if his routine is broken, which in the summer months of school it usually is.

The first graders are appointed to conduct the ceremony of Shavuoth - the celebration of summer, first ripening of fruit an crops and the traditional date that the Torah (or 10 commandments at least) were given to the people of Israel in mount Sinai at ancient times. The ceremony rehearsals composed of 3 weeks in May in which the children are expected to continue their studies independently with various assignments parallel to rehearsals in small groups. The frontal lesson routine is totally broken.

Jonathan was not finding himself in all this. He did not want to join the dancers and could not keep quiet while the other children rehearsed their lines. His teacher was finding it difficult to get him to cooperate at all. And then, on the second week of rehearsals (after suffering his nasty bouts of screaming and boredom for the first week)  she had a brilliant idea! She assigned him a task that is important on the one hand and affords no rehearsal with other on the other. Jonathan would easily recognize his place in the ceremony without disturbing the other children or the rehearsals and he would feel needed! His role was to declare the ceremony has reached its end (and to invite the audience to stand up for the national anthem). Jonathan had one lie to memorize and was the only child to speak solo. He was exited and felt himself important. We picked the importance message up at home, on cue from the teacher and he became manageable for the rest of the rehearsals.

The parents were invited to the ceremony and I was almost as excited as Jonathan could be. He behaved impeccably during 20 minutes of ceremony, sitting quietly on the side of the stage and singing along when required. Then he started to get smile and wave at me, and made thumbs up signs to me and wiggled about in his seat. Just as I was wondering why he was so exited, he got up, picked the microphone and spoke his line. The sound was bad and the speakers beeped. Jonathan undaunted, simply repeated the line again and everyone stood up for the anthem. Then my important boy put the microphone down on its designated cushion and stood proud and erect center stage for the duration of the anthem! I was busting with pride.

Turns out the school filed it all. I am embedding the video here. I hope Jonathan will enjoy the memory as I will. Unfortunately the anthem part is cut off in the school footage! Lucky I filmed and photographed it myself! Proud mama all the way!
