Jonathan is getting older and also improving in language skills. The combination can sometimes be lethal, as it can cause me fits of laughter that are quire uncontrolled = those are caused by a brilliant , yet childish connection which he expresses, which can spur in me fits of pure delight. Here are a few examples.
When told that mommy will go swimming and daddy will take him to kindergarten, he simply answered :mommy should stay with Jonathan and daddy should go swimming”. That he requested that I remain is rather expected, but the pearl here is the complete solution – if daddy goes swimming, then all is well...
When I was cleaning and he was board, Jonathan protested against my tidiness in the following words:
“your are always cleaning and that is not interesting for me...”
I study once a week and hence return home late on the days of the course, after Jonathan is already asleep. This week I called my husband to talk with to him and to Jonathan before he goes to bed (I know its a lame effort to compensate the boy for my absence, but I cannot help it...). Jonathan asked me on the phone where I was and to simplify matters, I answered “mommy is still at work”. The boy immediately protested that it was dark outside (which is true) and thus my workplace should be closed! Its simple logic, I always show him that when night falls, stores close. Thus he assumed that my workplace should also be closed.
When I explained that despite the hour, I must work a bit more, he tried another tactic, he protested that I was sick with a stomach ache and that it is “heavy for me” (he mixes heavy and difficult at times because in German its the same word – he makes this mistake even in Hebrew – the two languages get confused in his thoughts and he expresses himself in mixed sentences at times). Thus he believed, I need to come home and rest. To understand this second pearl of wisdom, one must understand that at the time of this occurring I am eight months pregnant, with a rather large belly and that to add to this, I am also suffering under a nasty cold. Thus Jonathan has recently heard that I am tired, that my belly is heavy and that it is difficult for me to read him a bedtime story because of the fact that I can hardly speak in between nasty coughs (in the last few was I was obliged to limit the story reading to one book instead of the usual two). The boy simply combined all my complaints into a mix of symptoms that mean one thing – mommy should come home to Jonathan right now! And not in the middle of the night. I found it very flattering, I must admit. He then told me on the phone that he loves me, and I told him I love him too and that I miss him. Longer telephone conversations (that also make some sense) are a new recent development with Jonathan. I am enjoying this immensely!
After an evening in which I was obliged to stay longer at work, Jonathan protested that I am always at work and that I should both take him to and from kindergarten. It is obvious that he misses me. To be truthful, he does see more of my husband, who picks him from kindergarten and thus spends on average 1.5 hours more a day with the boy. As he has repeated the request that I pick him up from kindergarten often in recent weeks, I make an effort to do so at least once a week. Yesterday therefore, I picked him up from kindergarten, together with my husband. He then spent some time just repeatedly hugging me and telling me he is happy I picked him up and that I should do so every day (take him to and pick him from kindergarten). My heart simply melted! The guilt spurred in me! But I have no choice. I have to work full time as I am the main provider in this outfit. I can only hope that Jonathan will understand that when he is older...I did however try to think positive and simply enjoy the hugging and to give him my full attention when I am with him – quality and not quantity is the only motto I have left.